Is it really worth going towards Space Travel or Tourism? Like Bezos, Richard Branson doing?
Well, its debatable about why Billionaires like Bezos, Musk & Branson are going
towards Space Travel or Tourism. Some are criticizing this efforts saying, why
so much wastage of money on Space Flight for the experience of few min of
Well.. I believe, they most probably are missing the big picture. the Air
travel was ridiculously expensive in old times. It took 50 years for it to become
cheap enough for the average citizen.
What do you think is going to happen at this
point after this successful flight? You never know....its just one milestone. The next step could be a bigger parabola landing. Wan to get from NewYork to London in an hour? That could be through space flight. OR
the money earned through space travel could be used to solve so many real-life
social issues, like Bezos pledged to award $100 million every year to
non-profit, like he did after this flight.
I think it’s too soon to be this
judgmental. Perhaps things will look a lot different in 10 years just like a
little book selling company turning into a giant Amazon, working at the top of
many business or innovation streams.
Overall, Dreams matters - its all about having those !!
Great conversation post space flight, specially the answers to journalists &
the 2, $100 Million philanthropic awards at the end. Watch the Press conference in below YouTube video.
#spacetravel #BezosInSpace #BlueOrigin #jeffbezos #philanthropicawards
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