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Sunday, June 29, 2014

What is the need of Nations? AND Role of United Nations

What is the need of Nations?


Role of United Nations

I agree upto some extent with the point OSHO made in this video about "What is the need of Nations?". Its a fact that lines drawn on the earth (सरहदें) are created by people only. In Reality, There is nothing like our country or foreign. Whole Earth is one and allotted for humanity. Once upon a time, Nepal, Bangladesh,Pakistan, Srilanka etc all used to be one country for our ancestors. Lord RAM visited and lived at all these places while roaming in forest. Now same places are being called foreign for us. Was RAM living in foreign that time? and was he not serving for the people of his country? Similarly, Buddha was born at Lumbini which is currently in Nepal, but he spread the message of goodness to all parts of the world in his reach to help humanity without considering any boundaries. Was he also not serving his country?

In-fact RAM, Buddha n all great souls were serving the whole Humanity on earth wherever they were.

In addition to OSHO's remark,, I will say that there is definitely need of administration to protect humanity where all visa passport security procedures comes into picture. Whole planet cannot be left without administration procedures or security else it will create chaos. But there is No need or point of spreading hatred about the word 'foreign' or 'foreigners' and fighting or killings over the drawn lines. It is seen frequently in many Nations that their leaders or Governments keep on spreading hatred using the word foreign / foreigners /neighboring nations n fill up in the mind of citizens with negativity. Good and bad humans are every where,, Lines drawn on map cannot be the criteria of goodness or evil.

For the peace of world, I would like the Idea of 'United Nations of Earth' (UNE which is presently called as UN) . Concept of UN has to bring in more effectively . UN should start playing more important roles, with more frequent meetings and Overall Goal of UN must be that - All nations will start helping each other in resolving the problems of Humanity in the all parts of the planet.

Yagya Datt Sharma
29th June 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My Email to HRD Ministry of India

My Email to 

HRD Ministry of India

To Respected HRD Ministry 

Mrs. Smriti Irani

First of all many many congratulations for holding the office of the HRD ministry of our country. Every citizen is looking with lot of hopes towards the new Govt. and specially towards you because education ministry is the backbone of the country's future growth. 

Obviously Degree or qualification is not really a measurement of the intellectual power of a leader. I fully believe on that and I have seen a very good orator and leader in you through your speeches.

I would like to draw your attention towards your recent decision about opening new 8 IITs which was also done by former HRD minister Kapil Sibbal as well. Old IITs opened by Kapil ji still have severe shortage of faculty and infrastructure and students in many of them still taking classes in nearby Universities. We should first build existing one on same standard and increase standard of other existing Govt colleges.

If We really need more IITs then Why can't our HRD just upgrade some of the well established reputed colleges of NITs, IIITs or DCE etc which has good proven record with good infrastructure and labs.

In-fact HRD ministry must set a benchmark or some standard qualifications for a college to be eligible to be an IIT. Naming a college just IIT will only downgrade IIT's status. 

Why to dilute the brand if we can't open world standard colleges?

This is just my suggestion, Please give it a thought and i hope HRD will take wise decision in this case which will help our country as well as will maintain the worldwide reputation of the country's education standard.

Yagya Datt Sharma

Principal Engineer 
Hughes Systique Corp.

Success doesn't mean the absence of failure , it means attainment of ultimate objectives, it means winning the war not every battle.

Acknowledgement/Response till now:

Thank-you for your email to the Hon’ble Union Minister of Human Resource Development.
Your email has been received and will be forwarded to the relevant department for appropriate action.

Warm Regards,

Minister’s Office

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Link to same post on my fb Timeline

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Modi and Kejriwal's 

Similarties of Governance

Today, its been exactly a week now for Modi Sarkar :). Almost everyday, We are seeing new announcements of Narendra Modi's Govt. Some of them are really appreciable and good moves. Like-

  1. Inviting Nawaj Sharif and SAARC nations to make Swearing-in innovative and inclusive of neighboring nations.
  2. Setting up SIT on Black Money.
  3. Reveling 10 point agenda and priorities list .Which has really good points if these are worked upon.
  4. Asking ministers for coming up with 100 days plan.

If we look with unbiased view - its exactly same as Arvind Kejriwal? style, Like he started in Delhi as CM . 

Lets Just try to look few months back and remember, How Kejriwal started in his 1st week with some good moves - 

  1. Inviting People of the Delhi and Organizing Swearing-in ceremony at "Ram-Leela Maidan" to make it innovative and inclusive of Public.
  2. Ordered CAG Audits for all electricity providing companies.
  3. Ordering 50% cut in Power Tariffs and  660 liters of free water from the same day. Transferred Delhi Jal Board chief.
  4. Setting up Anti-corruption Helpline to report any corruption/bribe case with educating people how to report and do stings.

Modi Govt has also started in very similar manner which completely shows the effect of AAP's aggressiveness towards System reform. Otherwise frankly, this has never been BJP's style .  Else Do We really know any BJP Govt in any State OR Center which started aggressively taking such decisions in 1st week with keeping people updated with almost daily moves? 

If we remember, At the same time of formation of Delhi Govt, 3 Other State Govt's (Rajsthan, MP, CHHD ) were formed ruled by BJP but we still don't know what constructive and aggressive decisions they have taken till date and on how many promises of manifesto they started working or fulfilled? 

This is what positive change we see by the presence of AAP because it increased people's awareness  and they want to know what's going on within Govt as per the promises made . Center Govt also wants to prove by seeing the people's awareness, also knowing the fact that people have recently seen a Govt which was evaluated day by day and started aggressively with good moves. 

Positive competitiveness is what required between all Govts States as well as Center. Leaders like Modi and Kejriwal are required to lead in other States and center OR existing must learn to work in similar way if they want to contribute in bringing the change. Both have their importance in democracy as Democracy can only grow with the competitiveness on Goodness and positivity of good people. 

Yagya Datt Sharma
02nd June 2014

Link to same post on my fb Timeline